Team merch, natureOffice and active CO2 compensation
Climate change is a real threat. We take responsibility! Preferably together with you!
With immediate effect, we offer you the option of making your items produced and delivered by us climate-neutral. The CO2 emissions caused by production and transport are determined and offset using climate protection certificates
according to the high gold standard. This standard was co-founded by the WWF (World Wide Fund for nature), among others.
With natureOffice, you invest with us in projects around the world that have a lasting positive effect on the climate balance. These are also reforestation programs and alternative energy generation projects.
And even more: you take on responsibility and make a real contribution to sustainable climate protection.You are a role model and position yourself accordingly towards your customers and employees. Integrate your engagement in the brand essence of your company.

What are climate neutral products?
If we offer you a climate-neutral product, this means that we calculate the CO2 emissions that all, inevitably, arise during production and transport and offset them when commissioned through a recognized, certified climate protection project. You or your customers receive a climate-neutral product and automatically support one of our selected climate protection projects. We would be happy to inform you.
Mit Ihrer Unterstützung betreiben wir AKTIVEN KLIMASCHUTZ in Deutschland, Europa oder weltweit.
„Unsere Klimaschutzprojekte sind nicht dazu geeignet sich von irgendetwas freizukaufen. Unsere Klimaschutzprojekte wirken auf einer sehr direkten Weise im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel, zur Verbesserung der Lebenssituation vieler Menschen und dem Schutze unserer Umwelt“
Andreas Weckwert
Geschäftsführer, natureOffice GmbH

For transparent communication it is crucial that the climate neutrality can be clearly traced. That is why we provide you with a certificate for each climate-neutral product and each product is given a label with an order-related ID number.
After entering the ID number on natureoffice.com you will find information about your order as well as the supported climate protection project, transparently recognizable for you and your customers.